Possible Roles within a Group

Leadership Roles

  • Group Scout Leader
  • Assistant Group Scout Leader(s)
  • Beaver Scout Leader
  • Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders(s)
  • Section Assistant(s) – Beaver Scouts
  • Cub Scout Leader
  • Assistant Cub Scout Leaders(s)
  • Section Assistant(s) – Cub Scouts
  • Scout Leader
  • Assistant Scout Leaders(s)
  • Section Assistant(s) – Scouts

Group Executive Roles

  • Group Chair
  • Group Secretary
  • Group Treasurer
  • Quartermaster (*)
  • Fund Raising Organiser
  • Member of Committee

(* does not need to be on Group Executive Committee)

Other Roles / Jobs

  • Subscriptions Treasurer (for all Sections)
  • CRB Co-ordinator
  • Gift Aid Organiser
  • Badge Person
  • Specific Fund Raising job or part of fund raising committee
  • Jumble Sale Organiser
  • AGM Planner
  • Transport Organiser
  • Marquee Organiser
  • Maintenance person
  • Web Site Organiser
  • Cleaners and cleaning rota organiser
  • Recruitment Co-ordinator – adults and young people
  • Waiting List Co-ordinator
  • PR Person
  • Scout Shop Volunteer
  • Membership Records secretary
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Co-ordinator
  • Awards / Challenge Badges Co-ordinator
  • Social Secretary
  • Archivist
  • Photograph Manager
  • Gardener
  • Parent Communicator