Getting Started for Exec Members and Trustees
This page describes how to complete the Getting Started training. The Group Chairperson or Group Scout Leader (GSL) will help you through the process.
The modules that make up your getting started training are listed below:
(You can complete these in any order).
The following modules can be completed as independent learning and validated by successfully completing the online assessment at the end of the module.
On completion of each module you receive a certificate of completion. Please send it to your Chairperson or GSL so your training record can be updated in Compass. Please print it or ideally use the printer “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” or “PDFCreator” which will allow you to save the certificate to a file and then email it directly without needing to print a paper copy.
All new trustees need to complete:
Once complete, don’t forget to e-mail your PDF certificate to your Group Scout Leader or chairperson.